Our Sponsors
Does a Cannabis-Trained Canine Alert Establish Probable Cause when Medical-Marijuana was Legal?
Dave Smith: The Deadly Effects of De-Training
'Social Security Fairness Act' to head to the House floor
Webinar: The Art & Science of Helping Cops Learn
A New Learning Approach for Emergency Response: CRLT - Crisis Response Leadership Training
Relaxation is not a Goal!
What Would Happen Without the FBI?
Policing group says officers must change how and when they use physical force on US streets (PERF)
FREE WEBINAR - CALIBRE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING Officer Facing 48 Years – 6 Others Charged – FREE Webinar
Ep 15. Kids carry guns at school for the same reasons the gun industry advertises to adults
Heart Rate Variability Monitoring in Special Emergency Response Team Anaerobic-Based Tasks and Training by Colin Tomes *ORCID, Ben SchramORCID, Elisa F. D. CanettiORCID and Robin Orr
High Speed Pursuit Alternatives Our High Speed Pursuit Alternatives reduce risk, save lives, and protect communities.
Calibre Press: Vault
How Police Officers are Shot and Killed During Active Shooter Events: Implications for Response and Training
Trainer's Bullpen The Trainer’s Bullpen is a free resource available for law enforcement trainers.
Sharonville PD Hiring
Hamilton PD Hiring
Reflex Protect Tactical Free T&E Kit
A Lesson from the Streets: The Harsh Reality of Training for the Wrong Fight